District Elder Pastor Lee M. Patterson, Sr. received his Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from William Tyndale College. He also received a Pastoral Psychology Certificate from Wayne County Community College. He was a faithful member at Greater Grace Temple, under the leadership of the late great Bishop David Lee Ellis and Bishop Charles Haywood Ellis, III who is now the current pastor.
On August 2, 1986, he married his true love Dollie Harrell and to this union was born four children Lee, Jr., Christian, Britney, and Destiny.
While being a faithful member of Greater Grace Temple, the Lord Jesus Christ called him to the ministry. Years later, he became the first person to hold the title of Youth Pastor at GGT. He continued to serve and successfully lead the young people for six years. He
also served as the first vice chairperson for the Northern District Counsel Pentecostal
Young People’s Union.
Under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, Elder Lee Patterson started The City of Refuge
Christian Church in December of 2002 in his home located at 18488 Hartwell. In June of
2011, Pastor Patterson was ordained as a minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of
The World, Inc. In March of 2016, he was elected to the position of Lay Director to the
Northern District Council Advisory Board. In June of 2023, Pastor Patterson was
elevated to District Elder in the N.D.C.
The church grew and souls were baptized and filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. God
added to the church causing the need to relocate to a new facility in Detroit on Meyers
Rd. for a short stay and then moved to Bible Way C.O.G.I.C. After nineteen years of
faithful service God saw fit to allow the City of Refuge Christian Church to purchase its
own building on June 10, 2022, located at 13920 Marlowe St. in Detroit, MI.
Today, Pastor Patterson continues to follow the vision in which God has given him in
spreading the good news and love of God through worship, praise, teaching, preaching
and through various community outreach organizations.

Lady Dollie has been married to Elder Lee M. Patterson, Sr., for over 30 years. They have four beautiful children: Lee Jr., Christian, Britney and Destiny.
Lady Dollie was born and raised in Detroit. She's a graduate of Wayne County Community College with an A.A.S in Early Childhood Education and Madonna University, earning her B.A. in Early Childhood Development.
Lady Dollie is the licensed owner of Emergent Literacy Learning Day Care; fulfilling her vision on loving, leading and teaching our future generations.